Monday 9 January 2012

High Level of Cholesterol Can Be Treated By Medications or Change in Lifestyle

There are two ways for the treatment of cholesterol that people can pursue living a healthier and longer life. One way is to use therapeutic drugs for lowering the cholesterol level, and the other is to make certain changes in lifestyle. Each way has its own positive and negative aspects, but both can help a person in leading the path of living a healthier and full life.

Therapeutic drug therapy is one way for the treatment of cholesterol, in which, high levels of cholesterol can be lowered quickly. Crestor and Lipitor are few of the variety of medications that are available in the market for reducing high cholesterol levels. Though it is considered to be easy to take medication, there are also certain negative side effects.

Apart from taking pills for the treatment of cholesterol, another possible way of lowering high cholesterol is by bringing a change in the eating habits. Try to cut out canned food and highly sodium concentrated items like salt. Eating a lot of fish and fish oil helps to cut down the LDL cholesterol. They are the main cause of these problems.

Other dietary changes also may be required for the treatment of cholesterol, if a person has a family history of weak heart conditions. Foods that have high fibre content olive oil and assorted nuts like walnuts and almonds can also have positive effects on the body’s overall circulation system.

Lower Bad Cholesterol by Changing Your Food Habits

Just like fish oil, these foods also help in lowering the bad cholesterol called LDL and in retaining the good cholesterol HDL. Try to include foods that are low in saturated fats like corn, fish, artichokes, garlic, soy milk, whole milk, legumes, mushrooms, olives and olive oil, cereal, pasta, beans, grains, nuts, fruits, vegetable and seeds are all known to be wonderful sources for the treatment of cholesterol.

Regular exercise works wonders in the treatment of cholesterol. You should do exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes per day, starting from moderate to tough ones. A brisk walking, jogging, gardening or cycling or joining a gym and hiring a fitness specialist for developing a physical training programme are surely going to prove worth in lowering cholesterol. Yoga is also definitely effective for reducing LDL cholesterol.

Fluid intake also lowers your cholesterol naturally. Drink at least ten glasses of plain water daily. You should drink the required amount of fluids decrease the consumption of beer, drink fresh juices and non-fatty milk. Unsweetened apple and grape juices are known to play a very vital role for the treatment of cholesterol by lowering its levels by almost 50%, when consumed regularly. To know more about the effects of high cholesterol and treatment of cholesterol, please visit -

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