Monday 9 January 2012

Balanced Diet, Exercise And High Cholesterol, All Three Are Necessary To Lower Cholesterol

Do the natural remedies for high cholesterol treatment really work out? Apart from watching your eating habits, and getting regular exercise, there are a number of dietary supplements that claim to help

out. The experts decide whether a substance has clinical value through scientific studies.

Some Of The Natural Ways For High Cholesterol Treatment

Here, a few ways are mentioned, which are helpful, in high cholesterol treatment. The dried extract of Artichoke leaf, also known as Cynara scolymus is now available in supplement form. Fenugreek seed

has been in use since long back.

Nowadays, it comes in capsule form. There are studies dating from the 1990s, which show that this substance is the best for high cholesterol treatment, often rather dramatically. It is the fibre content in

fenugreek that may be the secret existing behind the cholesterol reducing power of the substance.

Soluble fibre found naturally in barley, oats, peas, citrus fruits, bran, are good supplements for high cholesterol treatment. Fish oil – The heart-healthy fatty acids such as DPA and EPA that are seen naturally

in fish are available in a concentrated form as fish oil supplements, mostly in capsule form.

Garlic, which is a member of the onion family, is very effective in high cholesterol treatment. It is available in the form of oil, extract, pills and in its natural state. Ginseng, which is a herb, native to Asia, as

been a part and parcel of eastern medicine that comes in capsule form nowadays.

Guggul, which is an extract of tree-resin, is a strong part of Ayurvedic medicine, available in capsule form. Niacin, a vitamin B product, which is naturally found in fish, dairy and meat, is also available in

capsule form. This nutrient has been proven to help in high cholesterol treatment, and many studies from the early 1970s have come out with the fact that niacin can decrease the total level of cholesterol,

LDL and triglycerides.

It is most effective on HDL, whose levels go up to 35%. The thing to know is that niacin has this effect at high doses of 2-3 grams. Adults are the ones who generally encounter this problem of high cholesterol,

or hypercholesterolemia, which is its scientific name.

Cholesterol is actually, a fatty substance produced automatically or naturally in the body. Its main and notable function is to keep the cell wall of your body stronger. However, once it is diagnosed that the

level of cholesterol is high, you have to take serious initiatives regarding high cholesterol treatment. If you are one among the sufferers of this problem, and are interested to know more about natural ways

of high cholesterol treatment, please visit -

Guidelines for Cholesterol Treatment Show the Easiest Ways to Reduce Cholesterol

Today, all are aware of the fact that high cholesterol level is bad for health. Everybody understands that this relates to relatively high risk of strokes and that cholesterol build-up can undoubtedly lead to heart attack, as well. The newest cholesterol treatment guidelines for reducing high cholesterol levels and treatment are embraced by a few people who don’t feel that cholesterol is the main cardiac risk factor, which some organizations see it as.

Some people see the latest studies that have been proven as better and more sensible cholesterol treatment guidelines for the treatment of cholesterol rather than the general saying of the mass crowd ‘lower is better’ and give statin drugs to all in order to lower the cholesterol to a level of 150.

It is for this reason that, for the past few decades, there has been lot of awareness given by repeated advice of doctors, magazines, media and public awareness programmes that cholesterol is injurious to health. So, as a whole, it is being reiterated to avoid eating cholesterol laden foods like cream cake or shrimp, which can make our cholesterol level, shoot up even a smidge.

At the same time, there are some on the other side, who question the theory of ‘lower is better’. They take cholesterol as the precursor for each single hormone in the body. For them, cholesterol is considered to be a requirement to make Vitamin D from sunlight and as an essential component in every single cell wall of the body. Are you in search of useful cholesterol treatment guidelines?

Some Of The Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines

Perhaps, you might have checked it out on Google, and you might have found out that there are above a million search results that present different methods and ways. So, what are the natural cholesterol treatment guidelines?

Carefully choose as to what you eat. Almonds and nuts should be consumed profusely. Nuts have essential fats in abundance and are vital for your bodily requirements. You should also know that nuts, which are rich in calories, should also be consumed daily.

Other useful foods include oats and bran, as they are fibre rich and it is a known fact that good fibres help in lowering bad cholesterol. Next, choose to consume fatty fish, which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are known to prevent heart diseases and arthritis.

Other cholesterol treatment guidelines include regular and simple exercises like stretching of the muscles can do a lot to improve blood circulation in your body. An improved blood circulation undoubtedly helps in reducing blood cholesterol. Be sure to drink plenty of water, which helps in enhancing the metabolism of your body and help in flushing out toxins and wastes out of your body.

In case, you are interested in knowing more about the impact of high cholesterol in your body and regarding cholesterol treatment guidelines, please visit -

High Level of Cholesterol Can Be Treated By Medications or Change in Lifestyle

There are two ways for the treatment of cholesterol that people can pursue living a healthier and longer life. One way is to use therapeutic drugs for lowering the cholesterol level, and the other is to make certain changes in lifestyle. Each way has its own positive and negative aspects, but both can help a person in leading the path of living a healthier and full life.

Therapeutic drug therapy is one way for the treatment of cholesterol, in which, high levels of cholesterol can be lowered quickly. Crestor and Lipitor are few of the variety of medications that are available in the market for reducing high cholesterol levels. Though it is considered to be easy to take medication, there are also certain negative side effects.

Apart from taking pills for the treatment of cholesterol, another possible way of lowering high cholesterol is by bringing a change in the eating habits. Try to cut out canned food and highly sodium concentrated items like salt. Eating a lot of fish and fish oil helps to cut down the LDL cholesterol. They are the main cause of these problems.

Other dietary changes also may be required for the treatment of cholesterol, if a person has a family history of weak heart conditions. Foods that have high fibre content olive oil and assorted nuts like walnuts and almonds can also have positive effects on the body’s overall circulation system.

Lower Bad Cholesterol by Changing Your Food Habits

Just like fish oil, these foods also help in lowering the bad cholesterol called LDL and in retaining the good cholesterol HDL. Try to include foods that are low in saturated fats like corn, fish, artichokes, garlic, soy milk, whole milk, legumes, mushrooms, olives and olive oil, cereal, pasta, beans, grains, nuts, fruits, vegetable and seeds are all known to be wonderful sources for the treatment of cholesterol.

Regular exercise works wonders in the treatment of cholesterol. You should do exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes per day, starting from moderate to tough ones. A brisk walking, jogging, gardening or cycling or joining a gym and hiring a fitness specialist for developing a physical training programme are surely going to prove worth in lowering cholesterol. Yoga is also definitely effective for reducing LDL cholesterol.

Fluid intake also lowers your cholesterol naturally. Drink at least ten glasses of plain water daily. You should drink the required amount of fluids decrease the consumption of beer, drink fresh juices and non-fatty milk. Unsweetened apple and grape juices are known to play a very vital role for the treatment of cholesterol by lowering its levels by almost 50%, when consumed regularly. To know more about the effects of high cholesterol and treatment of cholesterol, please visit -

Sunday 8 January 2012

Checking Cholesterol Through Natural Cholesterol Treatment

High cholesterol is often called a silent killer because of the lack of any particular symptoms. The natural cholesterol treatment has been proved to be a boon to those who have a high level of bad cholesterol

in their body. Many people don’t even know that they have high cholesterol levels unless and until they go for a routine check up.

In fact, it is best to get the levels of your cholesterol tested every five years after you cross the age of 20. It may be difficult to find a natural cholesterol treatment since you may be having eating and

exercising habits, which you’ve held strongly for the past 20 years. For the same reason, many people are incapable of breaking their eating habits and start exercising, though these are the best and easiest

ways to reducing bad cholesterol.

Although, the people of earlier decades might not have had access to equipment and technology, research and methodology as of today, the generations that had gone before us were aware of and used a

number of herbal-based natural products that helped them to improve their overall health. It would be better considering natural cholesterol treatment alternatives before accepting the word of the medical

community today.

Some of the natural cholesterol treatment:
    1. Include oatmeal as a compulsory part of your daily diet. It has been proven that those who ate a couple of cups of oatmeal every day could reduce their overall cholesterol and bad cholesterol

levels by a considerable amount.
    2. Soy, in its different forms has been proven in reducing total cholesterol levels. It’s highly popular in the Far East and can surely be a good substitute for your normal milk products.
    3. Red yeast rice is a product used extensively in Japan as natural cholesterol treatment and has the ability to reduce LDL levels as effectively as some of the prescription medications. As this

product is unregulated, you should see that you are getting adequate dosage in any format that you select.
    4. Fibre is a very important component of your daily diet, and you should make sure that you have an adequate amount of it with vegetables and grains that you consume. If you get an adequate

amount of fibre, it would be helpful in effectively attacking the excess cholesterol in your intestines, thus preventing it from getting absorbed in the bloodstream.
    5. The multivitamins that you take every day should have adequate amounts of vitamin C, vitamin D, niacin and chromium. These are all proven of having the ability to reduce or regulate

cholesterol levels. Vitamin B reduces oxidation and chromium helps to increase HDL, the good cholesterol, as well.

These are some of the simplest methods that can definitely be the best natural cholesterol treatment, instead of relying on costly medications, which have side effects in one way or the other. To know more

about natural cholesterol treatment, please visit -

Saturday 7 January 2012

For Sufferers, There Is a Need of Quick Cholesterol Treatment

There is no doubt that today there are some of the most effective cholesterol treatment alternatives readily available. You just have to know the ingredients to look for, which are proven to work. Nowadays, there are much hype regarding cholesterol levels, and this causes panic to many people.

The decisive factor for cholesterol treatment is the significant lifestyle changes, some of which include:
    1. Maintaining normal weight: Cholesterol level in your body increases when you have excessive weight. Even a small weight loss can significantly lower your level of cholesterol. However, rapid weight loss is definitely not the answer. It is the best to aim for a long-term and sustainable weight loss.
    2. Eat foods that are healthy for your heart: Eliminate trans fats such as margarine and butter from your diet and limit your dietary cholesterol that is found abundantly in lean meats, egg substitutes and skimmed milk. Select whole grains; try eating at least 3 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits daily; eat fish which are good heart-healthy food.
    3. Consume alcohol only in moderation: If you have chosen to drink, it is better doing so in moderation, which means not more than two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women.
    4. Maintain a regular schedule of exercise: Your cholesterol levels can be regulated by doing moderate exercise for about 30-60 minutes every day. If you cannot fit in 30-60 minutes at a stretch, it is good enough if you could fit in 10 minutes of exercise three to four times a day. This will surely increase the level of HDL, thereby lowering LDL and triglycerides.
    5. Give up smoking: Smoking is the most harmful lifestyle habit that anyone can acquire. When you quit smoking, not only do you improve the levels of your HDL cholesterol levels but also your blood pressure, which decreases within 20 minutes of quitting and the risk of your heart disease also decreases within a day.

Other worth Cholesterol Treatment

Consuming a low-fat diet, which is well-balanced, and maintaining a healthy body weight are the best possible ways for high cholesterol treatment. Saturated fat, which includes whole-milk dairy products and egg yolks, increases bad cholesterol or LDL. Olive, canola, peanut oils and fibre that are good examples of monounsaturated fats can lower cholesterol levels to a great extend.

Along with the consumption of a healthy diet for lowering cholesterol, another alternative of cholesterol treatment is trying with natural supplements that include natural ingredients, known to help in raising good cholesterol and at the same time, lowering bad cholesterol. The right supplements that consist of proven and excellent ingredients can help you greatly in cholesterol treatment in the natural way, with no negative side effects.

Today, you can easily know more about cholesterol treatment by getting into informative sites, which are just a click away from your fingers. For more information on cholesterol treatment, please visit -